
Technology Development & Application

UROCHEM’s TDA department is conformed with highly prepared chemists, many of them come from our own customers’ background, having a true knowledge of the industry needs.



Learn about  the programs and products we have for your industry. Our commitment is to offter only the best.


Solutions Dicover all the products and solutions we
have for your process.

EUROCHEM’s TDA department is conformed with highly prepared chemists, many of them come from our own customers’ background, having a true knowledge of the industry needs.

We work 24/7 to develop better solutions to our customers, whatever the industry or the process they may be involved in.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you. Here’s how you can reach us…


Learn about  the programs and products we have for your industry. Our commitment is to offter only the best.


Solutions Dicover all the products and solutions we
have for your process.